Daughter of Smoke & Bone  - Laini Taylor 4 solid stars

I liked this book. Hell, I liked, liked it. BUT, I so tire of reading insta-love disguised as "we knew eachother in another lifetime, so it's okay to love at first sight"...

I sooooo tire of it.

Daughter of Smoke and Bone was more than just that "add moody-hot-guy to spledidly-elegant-hot-chick and stir" aspect though. It had a good story. A really good story with chimera and angels and war and magic and sweet hope. I enjoyed Taylor's take on demons. I enjoyed that we got to know the demons first. We got to know them as a caring family. It would've been so easy to write of the demons as vile monsters and then try to backstep to save face. I know because many other authors have done this.

The characters were amazing. Again I find myself wishing that I was born with an artsy bone in my body...I'll take anything, even water-painting. I think a lucknow would suffice.

Brimstone was my absolute favorite. He was just so wise.

Don't get me wrong, I loved the other three chimera family members too, but Brimstone? I adored him.

Karou: I'm just happy the girl could fight. I would've been highly pissed had she been a weakling written ferocious...that shiz just makes me angry.

All in all: It's a good read. Get around that hard clump of warm tingles eye-roll in the middle and you're gold!